Massively Parallel Trotter-Suzuki Solver  1.6.2
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CHamiltonianThis class defines the Hamiltonian of a single component system
 CHamiltonian2ComponentThis class defines the Hamiltonian of a two component system
 CLattice1DThis class defines the 1D lattice structure over which the state and potential are defined
 CLattice2DThis class defines the 2D lattice structure over which the state and potential matrices are defined
 CPotentialThis class defines the external potential that is used for Hamiltonian class
 CHarmonicPotentialThis class defines the external potential that is used for Hamiltonian class
 CSolverThis class defines the evolution tasks
 CStateThis class defines the quantum state
 CBesselStateThis class defines a quantum state with Bessel function of the first kind, along the radial coordinate
 CExponentialStateThis class defines a quantum state with exponential like wave function
 CGaussianStateThis class defines a quantum state with gaussian like wave function
 CSinusoidStateThis class defines a quantum state with sinusoidal like wave function